Sunday, July 10, 2005

Connecting the dots on Matt Cooper's source--Karl Rove

Quoting from Cooper's internal email, one gets a sense on how the WH tried to spin the Joe Wilson Africa trip. While the email does not reveal that Rove disclosed Valerie Plame's name or the fact that she was a covert agent, it does show the kind of dirty pool that Rove was playing. He was intent to preserve the credibility of the WH on the false claim that Saddam Hussein sought uranium in Africa. Meanwhile, he insisted (inaccurately) that Wilson's fact-finding trip lacked any official blessing.
What remains to be discovered is who leaked the information about Valerie Plame being a covert agent. This was the information leaked by Robert Novack, who has so far enjoyed a stay-out-of-jail card.
Matt Cooper's Source - Newsweek National News -

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