Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Young Republicans National Convention 2005, Las Vegas - Register today!

YRNC 2005, Las Vegas - Register today!: "We are requesting attendees bring items to send to the troops. YRNC 2005 attendees will have an opportunity to write notes/letters that will be sent directly overseas to our military heroes. Items will be collected at the Registration table, then, convention attendees will be encouraged to put together a quart-sized baggie filled with some goodies and a note they have written. This will immediately follow the YR Freedom Fighter panel on Thursday, July 7 at 1:00 p.m. Each box shipped will contain 50 Civilian Rations� serving an entire platoon.
Recommended items include:
Chap stick
Sports clippings or magazines
Travel sized toiletries (manufacturer sealed)

It is heartwarming to see that the young Bushies are sending chap stick to the troops. I wonder if there is an Army recruiting stand at the convention. If not, let's tip off the Army recruiters that this will be a prime opportunity to let the Republican puts its patriotic fervor to good use. Sports clippings are nice, but warm bodies are needed.

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