Thursday, March 24, 2005

Let's face it, Friedman has lost his credibility with his waffling and swerving on Iraq. He has been on just about point of the compass

Nonetheless, he regains some credibility with this piece, which says what needs to be said about America's new penchant for abusing, torturing and killing prisoners of war.
The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Columnist: George W. to George W.: "President Bush just appointed Karen Hughes, his former media adviser, to head up yet another U.S. campaign to improve America's image in the Arab world. I have a suggestion: Just find out who were the cabinet, C.I.A. and military officers on whose watch these 26 homicides occurred and fire them. That will do more to improve America's image in the Arab-Muslim world than any ad campaign, which will be useless if this sort of prisoner abuse is shrugged off. Republicans in Congress went into overdrive to protect the sanctity of Terri Schiavo's life. But they were mute when it came to the sanctity of life for prisoners in our custody. Such hypocrisy is not going to win any P.R. battles. "

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