Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Egyptian Elections "In the past, the Egyptian state wielded such power that none of this would have mattered much. But its official narration no longer drowns other voices. Under a fifth of Egyptians now get their news from state television, while more than half follow the al-Jazeera satellite channel (whose crews were repeatedly harassed during the election). The readership of state-owned newspapers, such as the once-essential daily al-Ahram, is sinking fast in the face of racier offerings of a dozen independent tabloids.
One of these, al-Destour, a weekly, reported a case where residents of one Delta village captured three hired NDP thugs, videotaped their confessions, then traded them for five Muslim Brothers held by the police. Comparing scenes of helmeted police and armoured cars in Egypt�s countryside with Gaza and Fallujah, one columnist invited readers to conclude that Egypt, too, is a country �under occupation�."

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