Thursday, January 19, 2006

Brandeis University Faces Threat Of Boycott Over Palestinian Scholar - Forward Newspaper Online

Some supporters of Israel are so blinded by their ideological constructs and, in some cases, by their racism that they construe any critical Palestinian voice is ipso facto, a supporter of terrorism. It is a bit like presuming that an Israeli who is unwilling to accept a Palestinian state in the occupied West Bank must be a member or supporters of a terrorist gang of colonists that attacks Palestinian civilians.
This article is about Khalil Shikaki, arguably the leading Palestinian pollster and a find analyst of Palestinian and Israeli politics. He happens to be the brother of a man who led Islamic Jihad until he was assassinated in Cyprus by Israel. Anyone who knows Dr. Shikaki or his work would find the charge risible. This is a charge born of ignorance. Shame!
Brandeis University Faces Threat Of Boycott Over Palestinian Scholar - Forward Newspaper Online

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