Friday, June 30, 2006


Daniel Pipes responding to Michael Massing's "The Storm over the Israel Lobby":

The New York Review of Books: CAMPUS WATCH: "Michael Massing ['The Storm over the Israel Lobby,' NYR, June 8] makes a factual error in his reference to Campus Watch when he writes that Campus Watch encouraged students to take notes on lectures by professors critical of Israel, with the goal of 'exposing' them on the MEF Web site, but this feature was dropped after it was widely condemned as a form of McCarthyism.

Had Massing done even a modicum of research, he would have seen that inviting students to submit information about abusive professors (so as to keep professors honest in the classroom) was never dropped and remains very much in place at the Campus Watch Web site at 'Keep Us Informed,'

I can't but comment on the odd phrase that Campus Watch 'encouraged students to take notes on lectures by professors critical of Israel.' Imagine that. If students take notes in class, they might even go on to do the required course reading. Then, where would we be?"

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