Saturday, August 19, 2006

Hala Jaber on Hezbollah

Jaber published a book on Hezbollah with Columbia University Press. It is valuable particularly for it its account of social welfare activities.
Hezbollah seizes initiative as Israel is racked by doubt - Sunday Times - Times Online: "Iran’s money is crucial. Estimates vary widely, but one Hezbollah source said as much as $1 billion had been made available by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran’s president; another that the Iranian leader had placed no limit on the money pouring in.

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has promised the Lebanese government $500m and Kuwait another $300m. But Hezbollah is giving Iran’s money directly to the people — a year’s rent for a homeless family here, a bundle of notes for some new furniture there, up to $12,000 per family within 48 hours of registration. The money buys loyalty to the “"

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