Saturday, November 18, 2006

Iraq is a disaster but it is not our fault. US-UK planning is not at fault. It is all the bad guys' doing.

Blair's 'Iraq disaster' interview provokes storm - "During the interview, Frost suggested that the West's intervention in Iraq had 'so far been pretty much of a disaster.'
Blair replied: 'It has, but you see what I say to people is why is it difficult in Iraq? It's not difficult because of some accident in planning, it's difficult because there's a deliberate strategy -- al Qaeda with Sunni insurgents on one hand, Iranian-backed elements with Shia militias on the other -- to create a situation in which the will of the majority for peace is displaced by the will of the minority for war.' "

1 comment:

theBhc said...

the will of the majority for peace is displaced by the will of the minority for war.

On this, Tony is certainly correct. This is historically true; wars are driven by the mad minority of those in power. Blair doesn't seem to realise that he speaking not only about al Qaeda but the governments of the UK and the US. Irony is the cruel mistress of such people.