Monday, March 12, 2007

Freedom of speech in Egypt: court confirms four year jail term for blogger

The Daily Star - Politics - Egyptian court confirms jail term for blogger

"Egypt has thousands of bloggers, although few discuss political issues, and lately they have been shedding light on alleged torture by security services.

"Abdel-Fattah Murad, the judge who heard Suleiman's case, has taken the unusual step of applying to the administrative court for an injunction to close down 21 Web sites for allegedly harming the president's reputation, judicial sources said Sunday. Among the Web sites targeted by the judge's petition is one run by the secular opposition party Kefaya (Enough), Eid said.

"The Suleiman verdict was condemned by rights groups. But Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abou al-Gheit was unrepentant last month.

"No one has the right to interfere with Egyptian legal matters or comment on Egypt's decisions," he said on February 23."

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